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Live Workshop: Oracle: Java

Live Workshop: Oracle: Java

November 13, 2023BY Martin Thompson

Join LISA and Roy Reijnen from SoftwareOne as we walk through the latest updates in the world of Oracle: Java on Thursday 16th November at 15:00 GM

Further clarity on Oracle Java per-employee licensing

Further clarity on Oracle Java per-employee licensing

January 30, 2023BY AJ Witt

Further details have emerged regarding the impact of Oracle’s change to Java licensing announced in January 2023. For a reminder of that chan

Oracle Java licensing changes lead to unsustainable costs for large organizations

Oracle Java licensing changes lead to unsustainable costs for large organizations

January 25, 2023BY AJ Witt

Oracle announced one of the biggest ever changes in software licensing on January 23rd 2023. As a result, many large organizations that run Oracle