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Unleash The Power Of Software Asset Management With LISA And ServiceNow

In this course created by ServiceNow for LISA, we will introduce ServiceNow’s Software Asset Management, including an overview of the different products they offer. 

We will then explore some of the key features and capabilities of ServiceNow’s SAM offering, which include SAM workspace, Software Discovery, and Normalization. You will learn how to manage software contracts and entitlements on the platform, and how to reconcile, optimize, and ultimately manage software on the Now Platform.

What You'll Learn:

By the end of this course, you will:

Course Content

  • Introduces the course leader.
  • Outlines course prerequisites.
  • Specific objectives for the course.
  • Provides a course outline.
  • Lays the foundation for what is included in ServiceNow’s SAM offering and how it integrates into other key elements of the NOW platform.
  • SAM workspace is introduced and clearly demonstrated as the central control point for managing software assets within the platform.
  • Explore how ServiceNow discovers software installations and SaaS consumption, ingests data from 3rd-party discovery/inventory tools, and then normalizes that software data to make it consumable.
  • Learn how to manage contracts and entitlements on the platform, including the importation of entitlements and how users can handle BYOL policies.
  • Gain an understanding of what publisher packs are, explore the ones included in ServiceNow’s SAM offering, take a look at remediation recommendations provided by the platform, and learn how to set up reclamation rules on ServiceNow.
  • The key learnings from the course.
  • Additional courses related to the topic.
  • Other helpful items to help with the ServiceNow’s SAM offering.

Hannah Kirzhner

Hannah is a Digital Solutions Consultant with ServiceNow, specifically focused on the Asset Management product offerings. Her responsibilities include leading workshops to address customer challenges, answering product/technical questions, conducting product demonstrations, and serving as a subject matter expert on asset management products.

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