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ITAM Review Learning supports IT Schools Africa

Transforming lives through access to a digital education!
IT Schools Africa has transformed lives through access to technology both locally and globally. It helps to provide quality education in Africa through the sustainable reuse of donated computers to schools – as well as supporting a wide range of community based initiatives in the UK.

Since 2004 ITSA has collected over 110,000 computers and laptops for reuse, installed 33 new school digital labs in Africa and provided over 5 million children with access to IT. Ongoing projects include a computer supply programme to schools in Africa, teacher training, entrepreneurial skills training for students and local digital inclusion projects.

“We’re delighted that through our LISA subscribers and 1% Learning for Good initiative we’re able to support IT Schools for Africa. The work that they do in providing hardware and e-learning opportunities to children most in need is one that we are proud to continue to support.” Henry Lee
ITAM Review Learning

“Thank you to ITAM Review Learning for your generous donation. Your support will enable students in Africa and community members in the UK to benefit from a digital education which will create new opportunities for life and work.” Jenny Evans Donations and Marketing Co-Ordinator

For further information about IT Schools Africa please visit www.itschoolsafrica.org
We are always in need of donations of working IT equipment and financial donations to continue our charity work. Please email contact@itschoolsafrica.org or call 01242 228800.

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