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Learn from practicing ITAM experts

LISA Course Leaders have decades of experience within their specialist areas. 

Ali Anwar, LISA Course Leader, Xensam Expert
Steve Cowherd
Adrian Christache, LISA Course Leader, Oracle Licensing Expert

Ali Anwar

Steve Cowherd

Adrian Cristache

Kylie Fowler

Rich Gibbons

Kristy Hawkins

Clare Hobby

Rebecca Horton

Matyas Jula

Piotre Jurkiewicz

Hannah Kirzhner

Serge Koczanowski

Brian Lowinger

Maria Marasigan-Leon

Kyle Marks

Barry Pilling

Michael Rainer

Miriam Redding

Becki Riall

Rick Sheffer

Ryan Stefani

Martin Thompson

Tom Watson

AJ Witt